Well, call me crazy. It wouldn't be the first time I've heard it....(as you've learned.) The book form of my blog is complete-and goes far more in-depth than the blog itself.
I felt an apprehension in using my last publisher of a book that I DO have published, for various reasons. As a result, I wondered how long it would take to research a new one, look into all the intricacies of what it takes to publish....and I felt a sense of hurriedness-like this info needs to be out now, ASAP.
In speaking to a girlfriend of mine going through a relationship that I blog about this evening-I so wished that the book was out already and I could just GIVE it to her.
Then in a weird series of Internet searching, I ran across something that made me think. About how information that people could really use to better their lives and to truly heal from harms, should be made free and available to all. ...or at least, damned affordable.
I was offered graciously to have any answers about writing an Ebook given to me by someone who has a great deal of experience in it-and in this genre.
So, without thinking too much about it, but just feeling that it is the right thing to do-I will be looking into and creating this into an Ebook that can be downloaded immediately from here, and I suppose I may create a website for it, as well.
I do feel that what I am writing about does have some value to it, and for no other reason than to support any website costs or fees that any of it may cost me-I decided that I'm going to charge virtually nothing for it. Like 5 or 6 bucks. These are difficult financial times many of us are in right now, and no one should be left out of the information here that could help them because of finances.
It just feels like it's the right thing to do. There are too many people in the world that don't understand why they are being psychologically abused, and worse-too many people in the world that don't understand what is happening in these relationships, and why it is that women seem to "Love the bad boys."
And, there are too many people in the world that don't seem to get that MEN ALSO are psychologically abused by females-and that we may in fact be dealing with a few of them that like women, end up being abusive due to their trauma.
All told-instead of going a traditional publishing route-I want this information to be readily available to those who need it, to those who are curious, and to be affordable to all. It's not that I don't believe that I deserve any profit from the work I've put into it. I just believe that people deserve to be free from the games and tyranny that shitty people bring them-and which makes them forget the good people that they are.
I don't know a date yet for all of this, as I really just decided this over the evening. I have some time off from working now and I will be able to look into this more and see what all I have to do to make this happen. I will of course be posting again when its complete and available to all!
Happy Holidays, and may you find peace from the psychos.....
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