First of all, real talk. "Abuse" is a powerful word. Typically it congers up images of someone getting the shit beat out of them. That is physical abuse. Its usually the last "stage" of being abused. But theres all kinds of abuse....sexual, financial, emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual. This blog focuses primarily on the covert abuses....ie, NOT being beaten. The kinds of abuse that don't leave a scar physically, but can emotionally, and for a long ass time. So, how do you spot them? They don't have a certain "look". The images of "psychos" you see in the media is just that-a fictionalized image. If you've read the book "The Sociopath Next Door"-you'd learn that these soft predators are everywhere, and look and appear to be "normal." But, they are anything but. And they aren't just men....they are women, they are gay, they are every color of the rainbow, and some are entire cultures.
That said, if you have been a victim of abuse, please substitute "he" with she, or "it" if you want. My blog focuses on male to female abuse because I know the most about that, but it happens in many types of relationships-parental, sibling, employers, friends. So, let's start talking about how the hell they got into your life. We will get to "why" in later posts.
They enter your life like a demon would after you’ve played with a Ouija board. You did something unconsciously, had previous life experiences or are just straight up genuinely nice that opened yourself up to this, and now you have a crack in your soul that they blow through like the wind. They are like bats with a radar like-sonar- like homing device that naturally gravitates towards these vulnerabilities. We don’t know that they are GPS’ing our psyches. They are. Everyone has a "tell", and they read the tell of our psyches like a poker player in Vegas. They are like fucking Karnaks and seem to know more about us than WE know, psychologically. They have to read souls. Its the way in for them.
So, once they have, and if they are attracted to you sexually ontop of it, its a real coup for them. So, they sweep right in. How does a relationship with a psycho start? FAST. QUICKLY. LIGHTENING SPEED. WARP SPEED. MACH 10. 0-60 in 2.5 These asshole people deny Einstein physics and seem to parallel jump you into some future time in their warped wormhole because before you know it, you are INVOLVED. They look at you like you are some ready-to-eat microwavable dish....just add saliva and/or semen, pop in for 30 seconds then "DING"! You're in a fucking relationship. They beguile. They want to get you alone VERY fast. They will meet you in a social setting long enough to get your digits, or make sure you get theres, and lord, if you call THEM first? There's a sign for them. You've already given them some power.
They get you to their home fast, or yours. Like the first night you're out, if possible. They will trick you. My first "date" with one was supposed to be us going out with mutual friends to a club. The mutual friends bailed, he suddenly didn't want to go to a club. I didn't want to go to his house. He said "Well just come pick me up at my house then, and then we will go from there." YAH that didn't happen. Once I stepped into the house, I unknowingly stepped into the lair of demons, and after a few beers in his kitchen (and a snowstorm outside) it was all "Lets go to the family room, its more comfortable. After a couple more beers, it was "lets go to the bedroom, I've got a big bed."
Oh, I said no. In fact, I said no a few times, to ALL of this, and my intuition knew. James Hannah in his Facebook vlog "Truthpaste", in his video "Men ain't shit" states it well:" You ladies who ended up with pieces of shit knew within in the first 5 mins, they are pieces of shit."
But they are so good-looking, aren't they? Wouldn't matter if they weren't. Because tomorrow, I will tell you the kinds of conversations they will have with you on your first and second dates, to run the game to begin the baiting the hook, to lure you in-trust me, they are GOOD.
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