So now he's got your attention fully. You feel like this could be "the one." Lots of these guys do the sweep by throwing out the "I love you's" almost immediatly. For others, its a bit more subtle. But the idea here, is to make it appear that you are "different" than all the rest, and that you are the "important" one. Things said such as "It's been a long time since I've cared", "I haven't felt this way for a woman in a long time" "There is something so different about you"-followed by an implied commitment. Within a few days, or a couple weeks of "hanging out."
Now, sometimes abusers will go right into the romance mode and feed you line after line about your beauty, your intelligence and begin to throw the “L’ word around. They will refer to you as “my girl” in mere weeks of having met you. They may actually take the relationship into a space-sharing mode quickly, or even rush to marry you. But some of these men are just looking to hook you in, with no intentions of ever making it a relationship. If you are with that type of abuser, you begin to sense this and subtly question his true intent. With that, he makes you feel that he is in this “for real”, you are not just a “fuck buddy” and you mean more to him than just a “piece of ass.” Then suddenly, without warning, after coming on so strongly-he backs off.
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