One of the stranger games of psychos is their weird use of language. Their syntax and basic Tower of Babble bullshit. They are often able to say a whole lot-of nothing. Ambiguity is their best friend. They can talk circles around you, you can have a ten minute long conversation with them, and get NO sense of their feelings, thoughts or any affirmative answer on much of anything.
One way they do this is to distract you by throwing in ideas and thoughts that take you totally off your own points. They railroad conversations. One of the ways they may accomplish this, is with the “let” game.
The let game is real simple when you break it down: You aren’t letting them do something, or you ARE letting them do something.
For people so hell bent on power and control, it’s pretty astonishing the amount they “let” you think they have relinquished to you.
For example: When my psycho and I were back in touch after a long hiatus and a horrible ending, he went on to gush “I will be nothing but honest and open with you. Let me this time!”
Now, this threw me completely off guard. What did he just imply here? That somehow, I did something in the past, that made him incapable of being open and honest with me. That it was my fault, that he wasn’t honest and open with me. I wasn’t “letting him” be. Of course, this lead me to wrack my brain, to wonder just what the hell he was talking about. How was I not “letting” him be an open, honest person? What did I do to make him feel that I wasn’t “letting” or if you will, “allowing” that?
He also said at a later time, “You let me be a jerk to you, and I didn’t like that.” I cringed at this. Essentially, in these two simple sentences, he just implied that the entire time that he was abusive and shitty to me was evidently, my fault, since I wasn’t letting him be open and honest, and I then was letting him be a jerk.
Crazymaking, no? So, the “game” here is pretty simple: He seems to have no control over his own behavior, choices, actions, and treatment of you, because it is all directly correlated to what YOU are letting or not "letting". See, if you just “let” him do the right things, then he would. If you didn’t “let” him be a jerk, then he wouldn’t of been.
Which begs the question, how does one “let” someone be a jerk? To let or not let them be whatever? Because if I got angry or “fought” back, hence, NOT “letting” him be a jerk, well then it was twisted around yet again to where I was blamed for all the things he was doing that was “jerky.” So even when I attempted to not “let” him be a jerk, he was a jerk.
Most certainly, there was nothing I was doing as I scanned my mind with some mental TiVO like way, rewinding, pausing and re-playing our interaction, that wasn’t “letting” him be open and honest with me. Frankly, he was hardly ever “open and honest” with me, but it wasn’t for a lack of me “letting” him. In fact, I was often “begging” for him to be just those things. Yet, the problem is-since they are so highly contradictory, you end up not knowing what they are saying that is “honest” vs. what is bullshit. You end up not being able to discern fact from fiction-which is why you begin to analyze them.
Point is-they can very effectively stop you in your tracks with just a simple loaded sentence. Something about the whole “letting” me thing is a huge trap-that is easy to fall into. They have put the responsibility of who they are into OUR hands, and again, if only we were different somehow, so would they be.
Funny thing is, they don’t go on to explain how it is, or what it is that you did or didn’t do, that didn’t “let” them do whatever. If you ask “Well how did I LET you?” you get the ambiguity-”I dunno, you just didn’t! You jumped to too many conclusions, you just didn’t let it be." Let it be? Let what be? Jumped to WHAT conclusions? That you're crazy?? Ok, well that one I did. Like I was jumping on a trampoline, jumping to conclusion.
I heard a lot about “letting.” He would say “I’m sorry I didn’t let you in.” I’m sorry I let you see the person I revert to when I’m unhappy.” It was typically me not letting, or sometimes, he’d say that he wasn’t letting himself do something right to me. One thing he was very adept at doing-was ‘letting’ me down.
And there you go. You are now so much inside your own head, trying to dissect and make sense of this twisted logic, that you are effectively distracted from the bigger picture-and they are more or less, off the hook. Off the hook, because they’ve handed YOU all the cards in that their behavior is directly bound with what you are letting happen. Not only does this drive you crazy, but has you damaged as you then feel that the entire relationship going south, and his abusive treatment of you, is in fact, YOUR fault.
Frankly, the only “letting” that should be done here, is letting them the hell GO. Let them be abusive somewhere else. Let them think what they want, because they are ridiculous, and let them be-be somewhere else.
YES! "Ambiguity is their best friend". Oh, yes, that's sooo right. He kept me sending so many mixed messages that drove me crazy. I felt as if I had a problem in my brain. How could it be that I could understand everybody but not him? Just HIM!... who was the one I wanted to understand so as to cope with. But NO: he kept up doing so, and I kept on following him, as if blinded. But one day when we met, and when I "had" him in front of me, I could see and hear how weak he was when in person... and I felt I could catch every weird "reasoning" of his, and knock it down. Now I understand why he prefers virtual communication... Because I could win if together. I could see his hands nearly trembling... I could feel his anxiety... I could listen to all his contradictions... but they were SO shameful, that I couldn't believe my ears. They almost made me laugh at him. And he cried, and he made up stories, and suddenly his back got painful... Now, thanks to these wonderful posts, I end up understanding it was simply a tactic. One more tactic, perhaps the worst for me, as I'm rather clever, and couldn't find out where the difficult thing was. This tactic of his, as well as the silent treatment, nearly made me die, 'cause my codes are so different. The cold shoulder made me ask for answers, feel so anxious and desperate... I didn't know which the inside message was... And when I got so emotional that could move something in him... he simply answered: "Oh, I was so busy." And perhaps, a "Sorry, I didn't know you'd worry about my absence... You know, my life is so complicated." And I felt like a stupid. Now I know. Now I've learned. Now I can take his tactics from the distance, and play a weird play which he mustn't be understanding... but which I'm enjoying. Don't know, however, how the end will be. I'm simply not asking for anything else, living my own life, communicating scarcely, cooling off. As he liked to do. Well... let's see how funny it will be. However I don't send mixed messages to him, as it is not my code... but the fact I'm not kneeling before him is enough (I hope) for him to feel everything is different now. This way I'm using "ambiguity"... not being so kind and so naive and so attentive. *Hugs*, Psycho Bitch, and THANK YOU, AGAIN. :)
ReplyDeleteLove your comment. So timely too, I just posted about contradictions.
ReplyDeleteFantastic about how he seems so nervous in person, I experienced the SAME thing. Last time I saw him in person, in fact. He sat and said "Why am I so intimidated?, I mean, not intimidated, but nervous"...and, he was.
They surely aren't as big and puffy in person, that is for sure!!
Oh, really? Yours, too? Also yours was so nervous? Yesss... I felt pity for him. Because he WANTED to keep control, he struggled to deceive me again, he suddenly changed his attitude in order to drive me to where he wanted, emotionally speaking... but my face didn't get intimidated. Only his was. More and more. He couldn't convince me using his usual methods (by this time I'd already felt they were all lies)... he looked like a small child trying to deceive his parents... trying to escape from punishment... I felt so sorry, and I also felt I couldn't be in love any longer to someone like him. At first I saw a MAN (is there any?) in him... now he looked so helpless, though showing the wolf face. His body language didn't help him, either. He was sitting so uncomfortable. I didn't understand then. Later on I knew he is a "middle son", the middle one between two other brothers... two blondie cute brothers, successful ones... while he's the only one that evil people would regard as not so cute, or as not so successful. I figure out he has not been so much loved when he was a child, or perhaps a little rejected by his successful and cute parents... don't know. ? The very truth is that he didn't want me to give up. He wanted me there. No matter what for. But there. Always. Or on line. Always. But I kept saying to him: ..."Well, I think it would be better for both of us to stop our "relationship"... Now I understand it was the worst suggestion for him to hear.
ReplyDeleteThank you, for sharing all this so worthy writing from yours, Phsyco Bitch. I feel I'm not wrong if I say you are the best at it... as you tell your own story but in a dramaless way. It's funny, it's interesting, it's cool indeed. I can re-live everything but smile afterwards. I'm enjoying it very much, and hope more people will join or give their support in any way. Never leave, please. :)
And nooooooooooowww... heading to swallow his "contraDICKtions"... (not the "dick" part, though. LOL) Hugs!
OH, thank you so much ! Its hard to believe that this blog is only 3 weeks old....the search engines haven't even found it yet! I am hoping to spread the word further, though I know there are many "lurkers". I hope that they too, are getting some relief. Thank you because it really helps and motivates me, to know that even one person is getting some peace from my ordeal.
ReplyDeleteAlmost makes it worth it:)
And yes...they will not let you go. Even if you say "I need a goodbye"-closure is not something they will ever give you. I will be posting about that, too ;)