Women are abusive, too
There is no doubt. Women often have personality disorders that are just as debilitating, hurtful and damaging as men. Often professionals feel that women have “borderline personality disorder” while the men have “anti-social disorder.” Though both will contend that either sex can have either condition.
No matter. Again, the diagnosis is not as important as the effects that these people have, including women.
Women will and do accuse men of abuse, i.e., molestation, rape, physical assault-when its not true. One woman I heard of blackened her own eyes, then called the police and said her boyfriend did it. They came to the bar he was at, enjoying a Friday after-work beer, and hauled him away.
She then ran away with their kids, and put a restraining order on him. The judge of course, granted it.
Women will use a man for financial gain, and pretend that there is love there. A woman will cheat on a boyfriend or husband, and is often more sneaky about it than a man.
Women will profess love for the “nice guy” who is taking care of her, while meanwhile seeing the “bad boy” behind his back. She will often simultaneously be sleeping with more than one man.
Some women have been known to intentionally get pregnant by a man, as a means to control him, keep him in her life, or out of spite.
Women's excuses for their abuse are often linked to biology-they blame their periods, bad PMS's, hormones, or things like depression. Sometimes they too say its because of an abusive ex, or someone sexually assaulted them when young (to excuse their promiscuity now.) I even heard of one woman who used the excuse of having A.D.D. for why she couldn't seem to stay faithful to any men she was with.
There is no question that women will lie, cheat, manipulate and verbally and emotionally abuse the men in their lives. They will feign the “helpless female” as she gets often more than one man, to “do” things for her-fix her home, car, lawn, take the kids out and on vacations, buy groceries, pay a bill, pay the rent, and will even get a man who doesn’t know any better all riled up and willing to kick the ass of another man, simply because she claims the other guy is abusing her.
A woman will intentionally go out with her boyfriend or husband’s friends, just to make him jealous. She will tell a man about how much a man at work is hitting on her, how a guy at the shop she is always at is stalking her-anything to get the attention and to “test” the love of her current partner.
Women can be extremely vindictive and revengeful, backstabbing and harming reputations, calling wives, girlfriends and giving out details, or dishing text messages to magazines.
Some women when angered, will get violent in terms of throwing things, attempting to hit a man, or will go so far as to hurt herself for his attention. I have seen women fake “suicide” attempts for attention, or to lie and claim that another man molested her for attention. Often a woman will damage property that is valuable to a man-smashing windshields, computers, breaking fishing rods....in some way, taking something of his that he loves and "killing" it.
Some women will parade an endless stream of men into her children’s lives, not caring the effects of that on the children. Some women even allow the men in their lives to abuse the children.
There is no doubt that there are women in the world who are conniving, dishonest, immoral and narcissistic and socio-pathetic. They often use their sexually to manipulate men, and while narcissistic men can be just as charming and seducing, this tends to get women further than men.
Women can use brutal words of hurt and cut downs to the men in their lives, telling them things like they aren’t aging well, their penis is inadequate, she never loved him, she can do much better than a guy that does “this” for a living, that she could easily find a man who “had money”, and various other forms of emotional and mental abuse.
She can control and psychologically abuse a man with hot/cold games, on and off, up and down and seemingly only pay attention to him when he’s not being a “nice” guy. Then once he comes back around and she knows that she “has” him, she runs off with some other guy.
She will tell a man that he’s not her type, she only wants to be friends but then sends the mixed message of sleeping with him, taking his money and favors, and then when he wants more, will go back to saying that “you are not my type.”
A woman can tell a man that if he only did this, that or the other thing, then maybe she would be interested. She, like the male abusers, can make a man feel insecure, inadequate, not good enough, not “manly” enough, not “breadwinner” enough and not sexually satisfying enough.
Women can also cut a man out of her life at the drop of the hat-as well as deprive him of visitations with his children. She can consistently take him to court for more money for child support, even if she has enough to comfortably live on without doing so. She can petition the courts and take the children far away from the father. When there is a new relationship, she can encourage the children to treat the boyfriend as “dad” and can make up stories about the real father, so those kids don’t even want to see him.
As stated, a woman can use the system to her advantage both in divorce and in child care cases, which cost men both emotionally and financially to try and fight her.
A woman is more likely to spy and stalk in covert ways, utilizing key loggers, gps’ and private investigators on a man, while abusive men typically just follow and break into her computer, cell phone and email himself.
All told, abuse isn’t biased against one sex or the other. The reason that domestic abuse gets most the attention as women being victims, is because women tend to be killed. While there is the occasional story of a woman hiring a hit man, a woman poisoning her mate, or taking a knife and stabbing him, when we hear of women “going crazy”-the majority of the time, she is out to harm or kill THE OTHER WOMAN involved with a man, not the man himself.
Also, a woman is less likely to physically intimidate and beat up a man repeatedly. The only real control a woman has, is psychologically.
Which as we all know-is just as harmful as overt abuse. But women do financially, sexually, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and psychologically damage people. If they too, are personality disordered.
So again, this isn’t a man-bashing, man-hating, men suck blog. This is an abusers suck, narcissist suck, sociopath psychos suck blog.
Just for the record.
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I'm not contradicting you or denying what you have, very stoically, written, my dear. I agree with you 100%.
ReplyDeleteHowever, there are cases where the man IS the abusive one and, in his denial and projection, tries to turn the story around so that HE claims to be the "victim" and accuses the spouse/girlfriend of being the abusive one when, in fact, she is not. This usually happens in his attempt to make himself look like the "hero" or the "good guy" after the D&D, I've found.
I've also heard of (and read) cases where the abusee, in trying to defend herself, will at times begin to act like the abuser. It doesn't make it right...but it happens. It doesn't make her "crazy" and it certainly doesn't make her an actual "abuser". I believe it to be a defensive reaction most times.
I know, in my circumstances, I have done it. It's happened after he left though and is/was in my frustration or anger and attempting to work through an international divorce with a personality disordered abuser who was avoiding or giving the "silent treatment".
I think there is a big difference between defensive reactions after having been with an abuser for years and women who have those same abusive tendencies as some men.
Again, I am not disagreeing with you. I've seen the reverse happen too. I, like you, do not hate men. I do not hate relationships or even marriage. I hate abusers...period.
Oh, you are absolutely right and I've written on that very phenomeon. We take on the abuser's ways in self-defense in what I call a "reverse narcissism." Hell, I intially started this blog, because I was going to post the guys name and picture like an FBI Most Wanted poster and expose his trifling insane ass for what it is.
ReplyDeleteBUT-I realized that revenge is a dish best served by living well, and in the process of my anger and "insanity", I began to heal as I wrote, heard from other women finding peace here, and decided not to pollute it by making it a platform of vindictiveness.
I will speak about the "revenge" and such in a later blog post. But I just wanted to be fair to those who may stumble on this blog, who have been affected and infected by psychopath women. These are women who are not reacting to being abused themselves, but rather, are the perpetrators and hurt good, non-disordered men in their wake.
But there is a big difference, and I think that probably deserves a blog post of its own, because when we get like them, its a dichotomy of feeling, because UNLIKE them, we have regret, guilt, self-hatred and sorrow mixed in with remorse-even though by all accounts, they deserve it. that's the difference between us and them-we don't WANT to abuse or hurt a soul, no matter how angry, hateful, hurt or "entitled" we may feel. Even if some of us have acted out in self-defense and exerting a sense of getting our power and control back, we eventually live to regret it and want to make amends, even if not directly to them.
They are missing that link in their psyche. :)
I've found a few blogs just like what you had wanted to do with yours. It took me by surprise to see these people blogging about these men, putting the photos out there... It made me wonder about lawsuits for slander, etc.
ReplyDeleteI've been working on my own blog and writing my story for a while now and find it REALLY difficult to keep it anonymous (except for the people who know me and him). However, I always keep in mind that we are going through a divorce and anything can be used against me...so it is taking longer than usual to get this up and running.
Unlike he and his girlfriend (who like to post blog entries about me, even when they have me blocked and can't comment even in my own defense) I try to keep in mind that he and I are still very legally married and that some degree of respect and anonymity have to be respected....at least on my part. I know THEY could care less. ;)
In my own defense, I have sent them, and posted on their blogs, Cease and Desist Orders regarding the harassment and abuse on the blogs, etc. You should see the response I got to that! Even from the girlfriends friends. I'm starting to believe they have a little "Cult of Narcissistic Personality" going on over there! :S
Julie.....I did try and email you but it got bounced back.
ReplyDeleteMy suggestion is that you start printing out their blog postings about you. You could always use a proxy (a service that hides your IP address so you can be anonymous on the web) to comment, but they actually did you a favor by blocking you. All that evidence will come in very handy in your court drama because yes, it IS slander and there can be consequences.
Hell, a man in England just had to pay because he posted something nasty on his ex's Facebook wall. I did actually contact an attorney who's expertise was the internet, and she informed me that the web is not as "free speech" as we would think. If anyone can prove who the author of a blog is, and that person posted a picture without permission-things can get very ugly indeed.
I know that one of the best sources of info on the net for sociopath's started because the woman "outed" her husband. Her story and his name is still out there, but for me, it is not worth the consequences in the end, for these psychos are extremely ruthless and vindictive-and as mine once said at just a mere perception of me possibly "getting back" at him-"Payback's a bitch."
He's aware that the blog is here. No matter. There are enough "clues" that he knows it's him, I know it's him-but luckily for him, I've known a few other psychos/narcissist, so, it's not ALL about him-(but he would think so, anyway....isn't is always just all about them? LOL)
Thank you for your response, Hon. Believe me, screenshots of all of the harassment have been made and handed over to the local police as well as the FBI IC3 (computer crimes). I have everything documented and all emails exchanged have been saved on four different servers. ALWAYS,cover your butt. :)
ReplyDeleteThe really truly pathetic thing is that some of the things being posted on blogs and elsewhere are nothing more than evidence for the Court. For instance, she recently posted an art thing he made for her on their blogs and one other place. It is entitled, "A Photo For Each Month". Of course, it is a photo of the two of them together for each month that they have been together.
Now, to the people with logic, one may think, "Why on Earth would either of them post THAT for the world to see knowing that he is still very much married?" I laughed and said, "Thanks for the documented evidence. I guess Alimony and Spousal Support WILL be paid when the Judge sees this." It is evidence that they have been together since, at least, three months (if not sooner) after he walked out on the marriage...while he was still actually speaking to me and telling me that he loved me, cared about me and missed me....til' he was sure she was hooked anyway.
All in all, the harassment, intimidation and abuse will stop. I've now got the FBI, State Police and local police very involved in this as well as assistance from our Senator's office. The harassment, intimidation and abuse crosses interstate and international telecommunications lines and, therefore, falls into Federal jurisdiction. There will be a Federal Order of Protection against all of them very soon..and then, most likely, criminal charges and them being banned from the internet...or at least, Court Orders to close all existing accounts. :)
I'm trying, Hon. They just have no respect for anyone BUT themselves and what THEY want...regardless of the damage they do to others. Unfortunately.
They can claim, "Freedom of Speech" (and she has) as much as they want. In my case, MY Constitution doesn't cover them. Second, Freedom of Expression (which free speech falls under) does NOT give anyone the right to bully, harass or intimidate or abuse others....and I've also made her aware of that. :)