I've lost dear ones who have passed away, I've been divorced from a non-disordered, and I've lost touch with people I've cared about. But nothing, NOTHING could prepare me for this kind of a "loss".
There’s nothing more frightening then emerging from some hypnotic coma to the fact that this man you’ve allowed in your life is disordered and will probably never get help. Getting him to love you is not the way out of it. Loving yourself is the way out of it. To break through the denial requires anger, and not caring anymore what he or anyone else thinks of that. It all hurts, and its so hard to come to terms with.
I was shell-shocked for a couple weeks, barely able to function, once it was all said and done. I couldn’t eat, sleep or think, really. I walked around in a daze. I looked around at other women-on the subway, in the grocery store and I wondered if they would’ve ever taken his crap. I really hated myself for not seeing it, or seeing it but not believing it. I smoked a lot, I drank a lot of wine. Didn’t talk to friends much. The ones I did-I think I scared a few.
I was incredibly tired. I broke out, I could hardly jump in the shower My hair began to fall out from the stress. I felt dissoacted from life, disconnected from people and like I was walking around in an alternate reality. I felt numb, and stressed. I couldn’t relax, rest or focus my attention on much of anything. I had muscle twitches and laid in bed not even being able to feel my body. My thinking was obsessed-all I could think about was what happened. My anger was intense. I wanted to keep coming at him, telling him off, telling him that I see it all now, and I wanted him to pay.
I then would sink into a depression of despair, hating myself for ever loving this man, wondering why I didn’t get out of it when I knew it was all true before. How was it that I would sink back into denial and continue to want to believe there was a normal human being there, albeit just very messed up? I was truly emotionally traumatized.
I know that I haven’t told my personal story here. Given some examples, but I don’t know if I have to. If this has happened to you, you know what story is. These men are shocking and horrific and its amazing that ANYONE can say and do the things that they do, just for effect, not concerned at all how it will make you feel. They learn something hurts you-and just rub your face in. You end up doing it back at him-and shame and hate for yourself creeps in. You’ve let yourself turn into him.
I’d look at people and wonder why they couldn’t see that someone had just chewed me up and spit me out. I’d see people laughing, I’d see friends on Facebook status inane and mundane shallow messages, and I’d feel even more alien, more hurt. I had no black eye, no missing tooth to express what he did to me.
If I mentioned the word “abuse” the first question was “OMG did he hit you?”-and when I said no, they seemed to dismiss it and not give it the merit that being hit would’ve. This hurt and angered me more. I’ve been defending myself against this asshole for some 5 years now, and now I have to defend and “prove” myself against the world.
There is much truth in the saying that unless you’ve been in a relationship with a personality disordered person-you will NEVER get it.
I hid, I withdrew. I couldn’t really carry on normal conversations with people, I couldn’t pretend I was just fine. No one knew, and no one seemed to care-mostly because, no one really knew that this guy was in my life, because he wasn’t presented to anyone as a boyfriend. I had almost wished I was married to him, only to be able to even prove a relationship really existed.
Physically, I had aches and pain, I cried a lot. I became just like him in that my paranoia about people-even friends I’ve had for years, became intense. I questioned everyone’s motives in my life and starting feeling that no one in my life really cared about me at all, and that I maybe ended up like this because I am the bad person. At times, I questioned my own sanity and wondered if I hadn't just taken it all wrong.
In many respects, it was like withdrawing from a drug, where you are literally sick, throwing up, nightmares, unable to function. It’s detox-and it’s not pretty.Many people will say that it's like coming out of a cult, and it's true.
Especially because you are doing it all alone-because you just can’t prove just how bad it’s all been. Alone and lonely in such an intense way it hurts. Which is a big reason I started this blog. I hope to spare even one person from thinking that no one out there could ever understand.
I do. After a period of mourning, I literally had to force myself to go on with my life. All the things I’ve neglected and other problems occurring in my life, had to be dealt with and I felt very much alone. I was, in a way-no one else could do this for me. I wanted to be saved, the same way I tried to save him-but I wasn’t that lucky. I had to stand on my own. Went pretty much cold turkey. I reached out to friends and forced myself to be social. I thought and contemplated about what to do with the rest of my life now-so much time spent wasted on him, ways to help him, I had neglected myself. What do I really want? What am I really doing?
I had to push thoughts of “Will I ever meet someone else again?” out of my mind, saying I’ll worry about it later, at the same time, being totally disgusted at the idea of a relationship. My mind couldn’t even fathom a “normal” relationship, as I’d look at couples out in public, listen to songs on the radio and wonder what it must be like to actually be loved, and wondering if I wasn’t so jaded now that I will never know that. Will I ever believe anyone ever again? Often I’d slip back into denial, where I’d start giving him the benefit of the doubt, wonder if I wasn’t being too harsh, wondering if I had taken it all the wrong way, wondering if I had acted different, would he had been different?
Of course he ignored any attempts at my communications and it only furthered his cause in making me look as though I had lost it, was crazy, stalking him and unable to accept and let go. EVEN THOUGH I ENDED IT.
I looked for support, therapy and to rebuild my shattered heart and scrambled mind. It helped a great deal. Domestic violence counselors will give you all kinds of handouts and “pie charts” that show the cycles of abuse and the minds of abusers, the tactics that they use. Even though you can come across that information yourself-there’s something incredibly healing In telling another person your story, and not only do they believe it, but they too tell you that there’s no doubt, you have been abused. You aren’t crazy.
That’s all you can do. Your life does go on….and should. I know that this can be so traumatic that it can lead you to thinking about ending your life. I don’t think abuse ends up killing women because the man literally kills her himself-I would bet that there are a lot more victims of domestic violence who have chosen to kill themselves as the way out, instead. Its not because you love him so much that you can’t live without him, its because the betrayal is so severe and the reality of dealing with someone truly insane and mentally ill is horrifying. The idea that someone never cared about you at all is heartbreaking and sickening. I know that those thoughts crept into my mind-and that’s when I knew that I was really, REALLY in trouble here. Especially if he’s isolated you in any way, you may not have much friends to go to, and the one’s you do have are also his. You can’t go there. But you can come here. And to other blogs and forums-there is help and support here.
"They learn something hurts you-and just rub your face in."
ReplyDeleteOH,YES. It was not till I told him I was feeling we should give up that he began to do that: giving me the silent treatment was the worst thing to me, and he did. Fiercely. For months. And I begged him to talk to me, to end it as friends... but NO. HE DIDN'T WANT ME TO GO, BUT HE WOULDN'T GIVE ME WHAT I WANTED TO STAY (= his attention)... so he forced me through his incredibly hard cold shoulder.
I thought I would die. But I could stand alive thanks to these posts and this kind of blogs, so helpful and friendly.
Thank you all... beloved psycho bitches!!! :)
It's been about nine months now since mine (one day, out of the blue) abandoned our marriage and went home to the Netherlands. Mine was/is abusive in every possible way. Even physically.
ReplyDeleteWithin one week of his leaving, he was all over social networking sites leaving very public comments that he "had never been married or even engaged...just a bad four year relationship in the U.S." Of course, most all of the "friends" he started collecting on those sites were women. He refused to answer phone calls or emails from me..HIS WIFE.
So, sitting here 4,000 miles away, I tried to get a hold of him the only way that I could...online. He set it up this way so that he could accuse ME of harassing and stalking HIM. This hurt so badly and put me through even more emotional distress. Me. His WIFE, sitting in the U.S. watching him make plans with and hook up with other women..AND being told and watching him tell others online that I am "crazy"..I am stalking him..etc.
Within a couple of months he had moved in with another woman. The type of woman he had always insisted that he HATED. He refused to answer my questions about divorce proceedings. He'd left behind $11,000 of debt and offered NO assistance even though he was working FT by then. He refused to offer any sort of closure. Obviously NO apologies or even admittance of his wrongdoing.
To date, he and his "skank" continue to harass, manipulate and abuse me in every way they can. They follow ME on the few places on the www that I go. Post photos of themselves together, etc. His "skank" despite no contact and Cease and Desist Orders through my attorney STILL blogs about ME. Wry manipulations and slanderous comments. Obviously, she is brainwashed or she is just as personality disordered as he. He has her convinced that I abused HIM emotionally!
Anyhow....I understand what you've gone through and I continue to go through it myself. I believe that being married to it makes it worse in the end. Divorce proceedings can drag out for years. I also know that the abuse doesn't usually stop once the relationship/marriage is ended. I feel that it further inhibits the ability to even begin healing and moving on with your life when they continue to try to dominate and control you and your life afterward.
Your blog, as well as others, and counseling has helped me a great deal. In fact, I was able to take a week off...for myself..and get out of town and do something I've always wanted to do. I went with a close friend to CA and traveled up and down the coastline on his Harley.
I needed to make this trip for me. It really gave me time to put a lot into perspective. Think about my life, what I wanted and where I wanted to go from here. I lost everything (literally) when he left. He made damn sure of that. So, now, with a somewhat clearer mind....I begin my journey..again.
There is HOPE. There is always hope..and FAITH. In my darkest of hours, the few months after he had left, I too had thoughts of suicide. Not for him. I knew he wasn't worth it. I think it was the dread of beginning all over again, with not an ounce of trust left in me and the fact that he had stomped any self-esteem I had had into the ground. I felt like a failure. It hasn't been easy at all but, in the past few months, I am slowly beginning to see ME again. I lost ME for five years. It's taken this long to realize that it wasn't ME. It was HIM. I am NOT crazy. I am NOT a stalker and I damn well-deserve better than HIM or anything HE promised me and never gave.
One day...and one tiny step at a time...we will all survive this. :)
Ok...I'll be quiet now...or start my own blog. LOL
Thank you for everything you do, my dear. It truly is appreciated. :)
I have been reading your blog ALL damn day! I could have wrote most of your words myself. I just started blogging about my ex-S/N relationship a few weeks ago. I wished I had done more of it while I was going through it! But the pain is still fresh, hurtful, and freakin confusing as hell. He's still trying to suck me back in. Same old song and dance. Empty promises, he didn't mean to ever hurt me with his lies, women, manipulation, etc. You know the drill. I wish you well in your recovery, because it is a recovery! Please visit my blog (its new in the making) but I am working on it. My blog is located: http://betrayednomore.blogspot.com/2010/11/trying-to-make-sense-of-relationship.html