True. Never minding the double-standard that exist when you are younger, that when men bed down many females, it's a boon to their reputation, if women do the same, it's a mar on theirs. While it may be different for men, there are many men on the planet that do have some self-worth and taste, who are particular about whom they mate with, even if it's a one-night stand. Over all. Barring the few times of "beer goggles."
In general, most men have standards for themselves, and won't lower them just because they can "get some". MEN. (Younger boys may not apply to this rule.) As grown adults however, these standards seem to fade as BOTH sexes are view discouragingly for being promiscuous. Let's face it.....if you are over the age of 30 and still unable to keep your pants on, then it's safe to say, you have issues.
I'm not talking about sleeping with someone too quickly, or having a "friend with benefits." I'm talking about the lack of standards and taste in WHOM they sleep with. A psycho will sleep with a drunk, a druggie, a married woman, a woman with a boyfriend. They will sleep with women who have 8 children by 5 different men, with women who look like they are about to give birth to their 8th child in the 9th month but really-it's just a beer gut. They will sleep with a woman who is half their age, or twice their age. Race, color, religion, background-they don't care. They don't care if she is a horrible mother, a horrible friend, or a horrible person to THEM.....if it comes onto them, they will bed it down. Even other men.( But that will remain a BIG SECRET.)
They will sleep with any woman that so much as says "boo" to them. They tend to take a compliment from a female and run with it....exclaiming that the complimentary woman "wants me." They are the pickiest people on the planet. From what they will eat, wear, drink, watch, do, how they clean, what they drive, brand names, to what music they like, movies they will watch-never will you meet people with so many pet peeves, dislikes and eccentricities about trivial things....EXCEPT WHO THEY SLEEP WITH. That's not to say that they don't get lucky once in awhile and get a really hot woman....it's just that they don't really care if she is or isn't, as long as she's showing an interest in him.
Incredibly....they will also brag about all of this, and give it names, ie, when he was with the woman in the trailer park he was "trailer trolling" or the very obese woman, he was "hogging". This is not to say that women who live in trailer parks are unattractive, or that obese women are not attractive. You have to understand that they follow this with "the woman in the trailer park that did a bunch of coke in front of me" or the "fat chick who was blowing some guy earlier in the night at the bar". So it's not about where she lives or how she looks, its more about character.
Now, in the case of a narcissist......its a bit different. They are extremely exacting in whom they will involve themselves with. It is a back-handed compliment to have a narcissist initially enamored with you-because they are the most superficially judgmental people on the planet. They surround themselves with attractive people, because it is a reflection of their worth.
If a narcissist is into you, you are probably above average looking.....but don't worry, they will be picky about something you DO or SAY, instead. With just a psycho, their ability to never be discerning in their choice of intimate partners is certainly NO compliment. This makes us feel even less valued, wanted or desired...because if he can be with the woman who is missing alot of teeth, loud, with muscles, tattoos and cellulite all over her-why then does he make us feel so bad about our OWN flaws?
That's one of the maddening things we don't catch right away. He will actually try and make us feel bad about our own looks and sexuality, will point out what is attractive in other females (hallmarking their innate insensitivity)-BUT-when you see or hear about some of the women they have allowed themselves to have "flings" with........it's pretty sad.
It makes you wonder how on Earth he could possibly find fault with you, as you are apparently, one of the best things he's had in a LONG time. Some will say it is their chronic low-self esteem and insecurities that feels safe and in control with a woman who is not desirable to any self-respecting man, but to me, I think their egos are so distended and crazy that it is the POWER, not the sex, that makes them not care who they are intimate with.
I have no doubt that the transmission of sexual diseases began mostly with the personality disordered.....because remember, they also don't give a shit about protecting themselves, either. One could say they either hate themselves that much that they don't care if they become ill or die-(and that could be just from some crazy guy coming to kill them for messing around with their woman)-or, they think they are THAT invincible that mere mortal disease couldn't possibly get them. Either way.....no matter how attractive they may be, they tend to "sex down" and are pretty gross when you really think about it. Its a shame they can't apply the same exacting standards to their conquest as they do to us.
edit: I'm having editing problems tonight, so I apologize for the variation in the fonts and the sizes. Then again, its rather appropriate for the topic;)
OH, YES: I'm an above average looking woman, I know. Everyone says that. And so did he, in the very beginning. He also spoke so well about my very probably high IQ level, he said everything was so awesome about me, that he was so lucky a man to be receiving MY attention, that he was feeling he didn't even deserve such a special girl like me, etc., etc., etc.
ReplyDeleteBut one day, he stopped. Never a kind word about me, to me, never again. And that day was the first one I started to fight, trying to have those words back. But they never came back.
But in the meanwhile, he made me go with him to every event he went to, in order for his friends and students (and even his sons and daughters!) to know me. But he never told me why he wanted me there. The last thing he told me, I remember... just when about to know his elder daughter... was "you've become too thin".
I was married to a psychopath named Doug who currently still works at the San Mateo Sheriffs office in California. His level of psychopathy is extreemly high.Entitled, Grandious, pompous, ego driven, deadly and just a failure of a human being. He is very dangerous. He is on wife 6 and she has no idea how destructive he is and why he is even intersted in her. Too bad for her she is a fire capt in Pebble Beach fire department and makes more than he does, cause that is his attraction to her. Her income. He is a conman and she is his next victim. She probably thinks he is misunderstood by his last 2 wives. I say 2 because what plugged in woman would marry someone on the 6th try other than Elizabeth Taylor? He attempted to kill wife 5 by pushing her off a balcony at midnight and then the boys in blue helped him cover it up. She and her daughter are lucky to be alive. She is very afraid of him and he continually threatens her. He does not want to settle in divorces cause he hates to be held accountable. Run from anyone in a uniform in San Mateo County Sheriff's office named Doug, big, steriods user, lies about his age and everything else. I'm sure, he has no idea what the truth really is, just another Scott Peterson.